Stop Premature Ejaculation - Don't Make These Mistakes

The good news is that in most cases premature ejaculation can be cured and by reading this article you are making the first step to finding the cure. There are many mistakes made when looking for the solution to stopping PE for most the answer will take a little time and effort but will not involve costly drugs etc.. After much experience I have found the following to be least effective:

Desensitising creams - these do work in some cases but in my experience I found them messy and also not very pleasurable after all what is the use of trying to enjoy sexual intercourse if you are unable to feel it!
Drugs - you will find many drugs being advertised on the internet to help with premature ejaculation and impotency and one again they do have their place but I feel that they are only a temporary solution, can work out expensive and could also lead to other medical problems.

Denying the problem of premature ejacualtion and hoping it will go away - This will never work and you will find yourself on the downward spiral of suffering PE during intercourse, worrying about it so much that you are unable to perform the next time etc.. etc.

There are plenty of good solutions around (as well as those which quite frankly are a waste of time and money) most build on the psychological and physical factors surrounding the problem of premature ejaculation. Every one is different so you will probably find that what is good for one person is not necessarily good for another but I am sure you will find the correct solution for you.

Click Here To find out about a great solution I can recommend.


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  3. Those men that are able to make their pelvic muscles stronger may be able to delay the time it takes for them to have an orgasm. There are numerous exercises which can be performed that can make the pelvic muscles stronger.

    Kegel exercises which entail flexing the muscles at the base of the penis would be among them. Men that get into a regular routine of performing these exercises might find it easier to control their orgasms and arrive at a simple premature ejaculation treatment.

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