Is It Possible to Find A Cure For Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is the post common sexual health problem around. It affects at least 8 out of 10 men at some point in their life. For most thankfully it is a temporary problem but for others it becomes an all consuming issue that can take over their lives. Help is at hand however and if you can overcome your embarrassment and tackle the problem you will find it is easy to find a cure for premature ejaculation.

The first thing you need to determine is where and when the problem started. Is it something you have always suffered from or is it a new experience that you want to stop before the problem gets any worse.

It could be that in your teens as your body was changing you dealt with your needs yourself most probably in secret and by yourself. Because of this you trained yourself to perform as quickly as possible and it is this trained behaviour that needs to be changed. There are many great solutions for this and if you click on the links in my signature you will find solutions that worked for me.

Your circumstances may have changed and you are finding yourself under increasing pressure and very stressed. This can affect your performance which then adds to the stress and so a vicious circle is formed that is difficult to break. Try to take measures to relax; exercise is great for this as it will boost the whole of your body. If you manage to break the cycle you will soon find you will be performing s normal and able to last longer.

In a very few cases there are medical conditions that can cause the problem i.e oversensitivity. If this is the case then you should consult your GP who can give you expert help and if medication is needed you can be assured it is tried and tested rather that some dubious concoctions that can be purchased on the internet.

The main thing to remember is don’t despair. It is possible to find a cure for premature ejaculation and it could be easier than you think. In fact taking these first steps to finding a solution is a major part.

This information is just the tip of the iceberg Click Here! to gain access to great information that could take effect as early as tonight!

Point of Inevitability - Could Be A Solution!

With nearly 30% - 40% of men suffering from premature ejaculation at some point in their lives PE is certainly a problem that is wide spread and needs solutions. To reach a good solution you will first need to understand the causes. Once you have understood the root of the problem a cure should be easy to find.

When medical practitioners are treating premature ejaculation they often refer to the “point of inevitability” This is a sensation that occurs in the moments before ejaculation. Men who are suffering from PE often can’t tell when this in so they are powerless to control themselves. Men who don’t suffer from PE can recognise this point and there for bring in techniques to stop the stimulation prolong lovemaking.

It is probable that for some men they have gone through the adult life suffering from premature ejaculation and never having experienced this “point of inevitability”. This could be due to the fact that initially the sexual encounter was always rushed i.e. pressures form their partner to ‘get it over with’! or alternatively sex has always been associated with feelings of anxiety or guilt.

You will usually find that premature ejaculation is worse when you are stressed or tired. Learning to relax when making love and being able to determine your “point of inevitability” will help with learning control and eventually prolonging the time you are able to last in bed.

Is Premature Ejaculation a Problem For The Young Or Old?

Premature ejaculation is a widely hidden problem that affects many men at some point during their lives luckily it is usually a temporary problem.

Whilst PE can affect men of any age it is usually more prevalent in younger men this can be for several reasons and need to be looked at carefully as a cure is achievable which will mean with age it will probably never have to suffer from the problem again.

When hormones first kick in whilst in teenage years it is quite normal for a young man to relieve himself by masturbation. Due to embarrassment over growing up it is usual for this to be performed as quickly as possible so as not to be caught. This is very understandable but is the start of training your body and mind to complete the act of sex as soon as possible.

The next big step is of course a sexual relationship which in the beginning is a very nerve wracking experience the stress and excitement can cause ejaculation to happen very early on and so the learned behaviour is perpetuated.

Of course it may be that with time and the confidence built by a stable sexual relationship that the time spent making over increases and premature ejaculation becomes a thing of the past, but for many this is not the case they go from one quick relationship to another or even worse only have a string of one night stands that all finish too early!

It is once the problem of premature ejaculation becomes settled and it seems to be a permanent problem then it is time to take action. It is best to start from square one and complete a program that will take you back to basics and help you to relearn the behaviour started in your early teens.

There is lots of information and help at hand some is very good and some is not so good or awful. In my opinion you would be better to start with a natural cure for premature ejaculation as drugs can have serious side effects.

This article is just the tip of the iceberg in curing your premature ejacualtion problem for a permanent solution I recommend you click here to gain that essential information